Then, I made these wall pocket organizers for another swap. My partner lives in Croatia so I needed to make them light enough to ship and flat enough to not raise questions in customs. If I may pat myself on the back, I think they are fabulous and I really hope she likes them as much as I do.
One of the organizers is sewn to hold her knitting needles. She is a knitter and is making me a Panta (yay!) in return. The other pockets are big enough for journals and pens and whatever. I want to turn an entire wall in a giant fabric wall pocket, that is how pleased I am. I promise they are all strait and will hang even on a strait bar. All I had was this warped old bamboo to model them. I feel kind of cheap not sending her something to hang them on, but it will cost too much to send at $1 dowel. She said she'd cover that.
I helped Kim make some headbands for her niece and I covered some match boxes for Leah. I've been crafting a lot for Leah, but I can't post pics until I send her GIANT package. We are partners for the April Affair swap and our goal is wow the crowd. ;) We're so vain.
I hope you all enjoy the rest of your lovely weekend. I am off to dinner with my in-laws and then Sunday night treats at great grandma's house.
I love the wall pockets! What a great idea! I wish I coudl say the same for the time change but I am dragging butt this am. Glad that you had such a productive weekend!
giant wall pocket...eh? That should be interesting!
Though you shouldn't let the success of your wall pockets over shadow those five crazy pink owls.
I still want to make those owls! I have made friends with my sewing amchine, so I might have to give it a go now! :)
those owls are adorable!!!!!
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