:: DAY 1 ::
EEEK! That is really close up picture of myself. Do I have a big chin? This pic is very Jay Leno-esque... It was taken on 10/31/10 as we darted from house to house trick-or-treating in the pouring rain.
Today is the day I start blogging again (see post below). I'll try... really I will. But I am not known for finishing very many things. Okay, 15 things about myself.
1. I'm amazed that I am 32. I remember once asking my mom how old she was. She said she was 34. I was only 4 at the time. That is only 2 years away. I think I am still 19-21 year old Lori.
2. I really really like my hair. It is never "done" but it is strait and so manageable. I don't even really have to blow dry it. When I was younger I kept it long because I was secretly quite vain about it. The long hair didn't really bother me until I was at the end of my LDS mission. I was in FL and it was hot. Plus I had gained a lot of pounds and I was headed home in 3 weeks. I needed something to distract everyone from my new found girth. So I cut 2 entire feet off. 2 FEET! Amazingly enough... I've done that twice and donated it to Locks of Love.
3. I always say I love making things, but in reality I love planning to make things. Figuring out the design and shopping for supplies is my favorite part of the entire project. I really don't have time to make things.
4. I work from home. A LOT. I enjoy it. I enjoy the free quiet time in my "mom cave" as I work away. Working part time is harder than working full time. Balancing work and home is hard, but I really am so glad that I have a job.
5. I have a hard time getting pregnant. I wish I didn't because I'd like to have more kids before I am 35.
6. When I am in a bad mood, all I want is a Maverick mug full of Diet DP and to listen to Rancid. I don't think I was an angsty teen, but when I am grumpy I revert right back to the way I was when I was 18 (except I was drinking regular DP).
7. I love live music but (read: in my old age) I hate going to concerts. I've become to uptight about being in bars, and getting hit in the head with an elbow, and screechy microphones. I need a suite in the top of the Energy Solutions Arena where I can sit in a comfy chair and enjoy the music.
8. Speaking of music, I haven't listened to any of my CDs in years but I refuse to load them on my computer and get rid of them. I have about 300. I have made a few exceptions when I need new workout music and when I am in a bad mood (see #6).
9. I want my house to be an Anthropologie display.
10. I want my closet to be an Anthropologie store.
11. I want to be rich (and stick thin) so I can shop guilt free at Anthropologie.
12. That being said, I only own a few small items from Anthropologie.
13. I hate cooked fruit. I love desserts, but will never eat a fruit pie.
14. I want to go to Japan only to buy fabric and little silly trinkets.
15. If I had all of the money in the world, I would only wear a pair of socks one time. I absolutely love brand new socks. LOVE!