Tonight is our annual Relief Society Fall Dinner/Service Auction. I've learned in the past that I am not very good at offering a service to be redeemed at a later day. Last year I made a blanket, took it to the dinner, someone bid on it, my part was over. It was much more enjoyable. This year I decided to do the same thing. I'm on a sewing kick again. Making little girl dresses is pretty fun, so I decided someone else could use one, whether for themselves or for a gift.

I am wearing out this pattern. It is such a good and EASY one. It is just a jumper, with only 4 pieces to cut out and sew together. Buttonholes can be a little tricky, but if you pick big huge buttons to cover them, it isn't so scary. :) Piper has a few dresses in this pattern.

I made a little tag so it is ready to give away if the purchaser is getting it for a gift.

Lori, I love the dress, so cute! I need to know where you got the patern so I can make my neice one since I'm never gonna have a girl
I love that material! My nursing coever is made out of it! lol
Anyway....that dress....I have a deal for you! You help me make one or two for Baylee, and you can have some cute hand me downs! lol Thery are so stinking cute!
OMG Girl! You could seriously sell those dresses! It is absolutely adorable! You are just amazing! That material looks expensive too! I wish I was that crafty!
Love it - the dress AND the flower!!! BEAUTIFUL you talented girl!!!
I want one. What would you charge? You should totally make those to sell. I'd buy a few!
That is so cute!! I wish that I could bid on it and I don't een have a girl!
Wow Lori, you are one talented woman!!
CUTE! What pattern is it? I am always on the lookout for good, fun, easy patterns to make my girls matching clothes ;)
Cutest dress. I love the pattern! I really have got to learn to sew...perhaps you would give a few lessons?
Hey Lori, we will be back there in October for the dentist. I will give you a call...we still need to meet Piper! :o)
Lori, I love, love, love this. Your talents make good stuff!!!
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