I don't have the awake-ness to write much, but I thought I'd share a picture of my sweet new baby girl. Piper Mae was born 3/24 at 12:57 am. Labor was a breeze and I was able to have a VBAC. WAHOO! We just got home from the hospital. Cohen thinks she's pretty cute and always wants to burp her and get her bottle. Thanks for all of the induction tips. I didn't have to use any of them. I went into labor on my own. I dilated without Pitocin. My water broke by itself. I'm so proud of my body.
She is so precious!! Congrats!! I'm glad you were able to have a VBAC and everything went fine. Good luck with two :)
She is so beautiful. I am so excited fo ryo uand your family. I can't wait to meet her! How big was she? Let me bring Cohen over for a play date soon to give you some alone tme with the baby k!
Hooray! Congratulations!!! She is adorable and I love the name. I want to come see her sometime after things have settled down for you.
How are you feeling after everything??
YAY!! I have been watching your blog for this! :) I noticed your car hasn't been around much at the apartments so I wondered! :) Congrats. She is so cute!! I am so glad everything went well and you were able to do it VBAC! I love the middle name!!! Mine is Maye and that will be our little girl's middle name!! Can't wait to see her in real life!
Congrats! She is beautiful.
Absolutely adorable! Congrats Lori!
Congratulations! That is so exciting! I am so glad that everything went so well!
What a cutie! I am SO glad that everything went well. Congratulations!
She is absolutely beautiful, Lori. Congratulations!
Hooray for little girls. shea a beauty!!! must have been a nice delivery!!! congrats enjoy
Congrats!!! She is beautiful. Gald things went so well, and you were able to have the birth you wanted. :)
She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL! CONGRATS!
That is so awesome! Sounds like things went perfectly. Just like you wanted them too. Congratulations!! I can't wait to see more pics!
I know I've said it in every other possible internet forum, but CONGRATULATIONS! We are so excited for you. That is awesome that everything went naturally for you. She is so beautiful and I can't wait to see more of her and Cohen.
I absolutely love the name Piper, but I also adore Mae. It's a name we've considered and it's exactly how I'd spell it if we had a little girl one day.
Oh Lori, I am SO excited for you!!! She is beautiful Mama. I am so glad you were able to have your VBAC. Is she nursing well? Enjoy your babymoon Mama!!!
Yay for your body! Such a precious new baby! Can't wait to meet her.
Well done, Lori. I'm so glad things went so great for you, and that she is here. She is beautiful, with a beautiful name. Can't wait to meet her! Hope your recovery and feeding are going well.
Congratulations! She's beautiful!
Nice job on the VBAC! Nice job on that little sweetie as well. I LOVE the name - much better that the Deb we have all grown used to:)
Oh HAPPY DAY! She's gorgeous. Kudos mama.
Congrats Lori! I am so glad you chose to name her Piper. =) I love it! Debbie is nice too, but I have to admit I'm partial to Piper. I hope everything continues to go just as well as all the delivery did!
I want to kiss her cheeks!
I'm so glad to hear everything went so well. She is a beautiful little girl!
She's adorable and I love her name! She looks just like you and I can't wait to meet her. I am proud of your body too!
Congrats to you all. She is so perfect.
She's beautiful. Congratulations again!
Congratulations. I love her name. So glad that you got do to a VBAC. that is wonderful. She is beautiful.
Oh she really is soo precious! That little face! Congrats, Congrats!!! Can't wait to come see her!!
Lori...she is gorgeous. Cant wait to meet her. Let me know if you need anything!! Congrats!
Congratulations, so exciting!
That is wonderful. I am so glad that is went so great. I want to get all the details when you are up to it. Congrats! And enjoy!
Congradulations, she is so cute!
Congrats! That picture is SOOO sweet I wanted to cry. She is looking at you so sweetly! What a doll! Glad everything went well -post more pictures!
CONGRATS!!! What a cute little lady! I love her name and we are very anxious to meet her. I am happy to hear you are feeling great and that all went really well with the delivery. Cohen will be such a great big bro!
What a gorgeous baby girl! And I absolutely love the name Piper Mae. Congratulations! {especially for the vbac... it's great to hear that it can be so successful!!!}
Oh My Goodness! She's just about most adorable newborn I've ever seen! Truly, she's gorgeous. And I love her name.
How precious! She is so cute. I am so happy for you and your family. I'm glad that I've been able to keep up with you guys through your blog :)
Congratulations! I came to your blog by chance and think it is neat that we both married into the Van Wagoner family. I dont know you, but I just wanted to congratulate the newest edition into the Van Wagoner clan.
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