Thursday, October 19, 2006

Swapping...NOT Swinging

Last fall, I browsed onto a website that I could not believe existed. Not only does it exist, I am a complete addict. In fact, I think the term Crackster has been coined is a completely acceptable term use, if not a compliment. Yes, this site is Craftster. For over a year, I have checked the boards and blogs religiously looking for new ideas and random crafty goodness.

One of the areas that I am most intrigued by is the Swap sections. Who would have thought that crafty people all over the world would be willing to make me stuff, FOR FREE, and ship it to me? I sure didn't.

I know, I know . . . I KNOW, it all sounds so bizarre, but it is my new hobby. I mean, some people meet in Liberty Park bright and early on Saturday morning, dressed as goblins and wizards, while they imaginary fight with fake swords and bowstaffs. I could be doing that. Sheesh. I just wanted to introduce you swapping, as I know several of my posts will be swap related.

Yes, I have a husband and we only sleep together... this is not that kind of swapping.

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