Cohen couldn't decide what kind of birthday party he wanted. First he suggested Build-a-Bear. We looked into it... No thanks. Then he said Transformers. Fine. I bought Optimus Prime plates and napkins. Then we went on a hike and decided he wanted a "Walking" party. Fine. I can lead kids on a "hike" around the neighborhood. Then he decided he wanted to have a swimming pool cake. Fine. I left that up to Mike, though.

We packed up our lunches in rucksacks (look at how confused the kids all are in that picture) and started out on our journey. I thought that herding 8 4-year-olds wouldn't be too hard, but my niece Bekah, Mike, and my neighbor Nicki all had to help make sure they kept up. It was a fun time, but they were so ready to dive into their lunches after their long trip. My nephew Rhett (in the yellow shirt) said to me, "That sure was big hike. I sure am thirsty and hungry for Chips."

Mike was better than any other entertainment I could have possibly come up with... at least for a bunch of 4 year-olds. Seriously though, I cannot even express the gratitude I had for him that day.

Cohen got his "swimming" cake. Mike decorated it to look like the deck of a pool, complete with floaties. AKA sour apple rings.

It looks like so much fun Lori! What a fun day for you 4 year old!
It looks like your party was a great success. I can't believe Cohen is already four. Time does fly by quickly. Hope that everything is going great in general.
It really was a fun party. Aidan had a great time.
You are such a fun Mom!!! Love the "pool" cake:)
mzlI think everything looks great! I especially love the floaties! You and Mike are great creative parents and I will definitely be calling on you when I have one of my own :-)
P.S. I never realized uncrustables had that much fat. YUCK!
that looks like a lot of fun and you look GREAT!!!
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