Thursday, December 06, 2007

One more random thing and an awesome gift.

I started writing a post about my friend Julie Jones, but decided I needed more pictures from the past to document the story. So, once I locate that pesky scanner cable, I'll post more about her, and all of the awesomeness she brings with her. She is one of the people in my life that has "touched my life for good." Last week she came to town with her beautiful family. Her husband was applying for his residency. Utah isn't his first choice and I'm praying (for my sake) that his first option falls through. I'd love to have them near. Anyway, she brought me the beautiful jar pictured above. She made it on a pottery wheel. When I took a pottery class, I was NO GOOD at the wheel. It is the new house for my olive oil and sits proudly on my stove. Thanks, Julie. You are so awesome! Your package is in the works!

And... last night as I was watching Deal, or No Deal (read: I honestly don't watch this much. The two times I've watched it in the last 4 months, it has sparked a blog post), I thought of another random thing about me. I cannot watch game shows where men who resemble Wilford Brimley are the contestant. You see... my dad looks SO MUCH like him, and when I see the chubby guys with mustaches and glasses lose on camera, I get so sad. It is weird, I know, but I just wouldn't want my dad to lose if he was playing. Totally random.

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