Wednesday, January 02, 2008

My "Totily" Neglected Journal

I have been an avid journal writer for the majority of my life. I remember getting a little red silk diary and address book for Christmas when we lived on Agate Drive in Carson City, NV. That means I was between 5 - 7. I wrote about all of my collections that I had and all the places I'd visited in my short life and that was about it. I do remember watching an episode of Punky Brewster and Cherie (her best friend that wore headbands) read her diary and it had some juicy gossip that she told everyone. I totally wanted my journal to contain juicy gossip, so the following day I wrote about how I saw a "totily (yes... that is how it is spelled) cute guy" at my baton twirling practice. Like I knew what a cute guy was... well, I still think Ricky Schroder is pretty fly.

Anyway, that lead to a long life of journal writing. I can read about almost every day of my life from age 9 until age 22. Every fight with a friend, every time Kory Hill or Curtis Browning talked to me (if either of you ever come across this, yes... I loved you both for years), and my first kiss. I can read about my very first day of junior high, high school, college, and entering the MTC as a missionary. My trip to Italy. When I was crowned Homecoming Queen and when I was elected into SBO. All sorts of "totily" awesome stuff.

After I got home from my mission, I just stopped writing. Why?? That is when everything got good. I moved back to Utah, I fell in love, I got married, I graduated from college, I had a baby, I had my first career job... wow! Really important stuff. Every 6-8 months I write a few pages summarizing what has happened, but there is no emotion in it.

I cracked open my most recent journal to find an entry from January 02, 2007. This is how it starts:

I don't know why I stopped writing my daily journal entries. It seems like I have a lot more to talk about now than I did in high school. My 2007 New Years resolution is to quit neglecting my children of learning about their mom and start writing in my journal.

I guess I failed that resolution. Woops! I sort of have important stuff documented on the blog, but not really.

So, with that long introduction, these are my 2008 New Years Resolutions:

1. Write in my journal at least once a week (I need to make it attainable)
2. Cut TV time in half (I think I know every Playhouse Disney morning show theme song)
3. Craft more for myself (I give EVERYTHING away)
4. Wear high heels at least once a week (Church doesn't count - this will be tricky)
5. Start exercising again (I was so diligent last year until summer and then my gym membership expired and I got lazy)
6. Reconnect with old friends and RETURN CALLS (I know - this isn't my strong point)

I think that will be a good start. I've started organizing the house and it is clean. A fresh start for 2008.


J and J Bowen said...

Good Job...We have yet to set goals this year.. at least in writing. We spent the entire new years day unpacking doing laundry and trying to Organize our home Haha maybe someday. I think any amount of bins helps unless you use them diligently... Rules still suck!!! good luck with your goals happy new year!!!

Rusti said...

Happy New Year! Sounds like you be making 2008 quite productive.

I've never been good at journaling, until I started my blog. It encouraging when you have other people tell you they are sick of seeing the same post. lol

BTW- Did you know that Rick Schroder (sp?) was recently baptized?

Suzanne said...

what is this insane notion of crafting for yourself that you speak of!? Never heard of such a thing... ;)

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